Month: May 2016

Fluid typography using CSS – calc() and Viewport Width

By kristoffer,

I just thought I’d quickly share how to use CSS to set up fluid typography. By that I mean:

Fluid typography is text which size adapts … erm … fluidly to a device’ screen width.

I was recently inspired by this great post on the subject by Michael Riethmuller. After reading the post I set out to realize it on a WP Theme project that I am currently working on (more on that at some other point). And this is what I aimed to achieve:

  • For devices less than 400px wide, font-size should be 12px
  • For devices more than 1200px wide, font-size should be 16px
  • In between 400 and 1200px, font-size shoudl increase linearly

Like this:


To do this, I use the following CSS

html {
  font-size: 12px; // Default

/* Modern browsers fluid typo */
@media screen and (min-width: 400px) {
  html {
    font-size: 14px; /* Fallback for older browsers */
    font-size: calc( 12px + ( ( 16 - 12 ) * (100vw - 400px) / (1200 - 400) ) );
@media screen and (min-width: 1200px) {
  html {
    font-size: 16px;

Basically, it is the calc() function that does the trick. Calc simply does any calculation that you specify. Also, I make use of the vw-unit where 100vw translates to 100% of the viewports width, in px.

Written out and simplified it states:

12px + ( 4 * (ViewportWidth - 400px) / 800 )

To see how this will pan out, we can look at how different ViewportWidths

  • 600px -> 13px
  • 800px -> 14px
  • 1000px -> 15px

That’s what I call fluid typography! I hope that this will help some of you to also take advantage of this sweet way of scaling text!

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Setting up phpDocumentor on Windows with XAMPP

By kristoffer,

phpDocumentor is a tool to generate documentation directly from your ´php´ files. This short post will tell you how to set it up on your Windows machine using XAMPP and pear.

Step one is to install XAMPP. Fire it up, and hit the button “Shell” in the GUI.

In the shell window, type the following commands

pear install –nocompress phpdoc/phpDocumentor-2.8.1

You are ready to go! Open up a CMD Window and verify that phpdoc command works.

To use, simply type:


  Category: Random
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